

This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (NLT)

Today, God blessed you with a gift: it’s called today. Each day we wake up is a gift from God. He made this day, today, with a special objective in mind. He created it, fashioned it, for you and me. On purpose, for a purpose, and as part of His divine purpose. There is nothing random about it.

Some may waste it. Others might struggle through every minute, wishing for a brighter tomorrow. A few will seize it as another opportunity to use it for good, to encourage someone, lend a helping hand, contribute to a cause, speak words of comfort, and shine the light of Jesus into a dark and hurting world.

Today is a gift – how it benefits your world, your community, your workplace, your family, your home, is up to you. Be the difference.

Prayer: Lord, make me a blessing today. Help me to live this day with my eyes open and my heart willing to make a difference in someone’s day. May your light shine through me. In your name I pray, Amen.

Thought from the author: Every day might not be good, so strive to be the good in every day.

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