
Entrusted to Him

“It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born.

They saw that God had given them an unusual child,

and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command.”

Hebrews 11:23 (NLT)

Moses was an unusual child – special and unique. Though we aren’t told how or why, His parents immediately recognized that their son stood out from the crowd. The little baby boy they held in their arms was anything but ordinary. His parents probably wondered what God had in store for them in a day when Hebrew boys were perceived as a threat to be eradicated. Yet their faith overcame their fear. They believed God had a purpose and a plan for this unusual child. And so they entrust the gift to the Giver.

I tend to fret when my sons are away from home. Having a special-needs child exacerbates those concerns. Yet, I am slowly learning that I can’t love, protect, and provide for my sons as well as their heavenly Father can. My love is limited. His love is eternal, unfailing, and unconditional. My resources may come to an end, but God’s will never run out. My ability to protect is inadequate, but God never takes His eyes off of them. He watches over them everywhere they go, every second of every day. There is not one moment they are not held in God’s loving hand.

            So, instead of being a parent who paces, I choose to be a parent who prays.

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