God loves us unconditionally. And it’s because of that wonderful love that He’s slowly, gradually, redeeming all our flaws and cracks, transforming us into His image.
Category Archives: Devotion
Mission Accomplished
God is still at work, whether we’re out and about or stuck at home. Use your ‘prison’ to pray. Pray that God’s Word would be preached with boldness. Pray for those who are working to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As long as His mission is being accomplished, we can say with Paul, “Christ is being preached; in this I rejoice, yes, I will rejoice”
Man of His Word
Guest Post by Author Cassie Downs “For thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. “For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55: 8 – 9 (CSB). What if nothing changes? …
The Condition of My Heart
Just because the soil of my heart was good yesterday doesn’t imply that it will remain receptive tomorrow. As a follower of Christ, it is vital that I remain vigilant, taking care to water and weed the soil of my heart lest it gradually toughens or weeds encroach.
Yet; therein lies the key. God has provided a way to end that downward spiral, to get off that slippery slope into discouragement: God is my strength. When I stop pondering all the negatives and turn my focus on Him, I am enabled to ‘take joy’ despite what the day doles out.
Be Still, My Soul
Be still my soul the Lord is on thy sideBear patiently the cross of grief or painLeave to thy God to order and provideIn every change He faithful will remain Be still my soul thy best, thy heavenly friendThrough thorny ways leads to a joyful end Be still, my soul, thy God doth undertakeTo guide …
“I Love It!”
Guest Post by Lauri Lemke Thompson I read an inspiring story about an elderly lady. The time had come for her to move out of her own beautiful home, which she had enjoyed for so many years, into a nursing home. “I love my new room!” she told her friend. “How can you say that?” …
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord – three words that hold the power to revolutionize our lives. They can transform the course of our day, alter the way we think and act, and change our whole perspective on life. When we praise the Lord our gaze is torn away from ourselves, our circumstances, our burdens, lifting our focus from the here and now to the One who holds our future, our days, our moments.
Feeling Fragile
Weak that we might be strong; this is the paradox of grace.
Be a Doer
Faith – true, biblical faith – is not inactive but active. It is not invisible but visible. It is not unproductive but productive. Like a light, it cannot remain hidden but spills over and onto those whose lives we touch with the gospel of Jesus Christ.