
Just a Somebody

“Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.” Isaiah 51:2 (NLT)             Only one man – just your average Joe, quietly living his seemingly insignificant life, a man with limited vision and human-sized dreams. He wasn’t on the Forbes list of highest-paid shepherds, didn’t …

God’s Powerful Hand

When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD. Exodus 7:5 (NLT) There was no question God orchestrated the events leading to the exodus. God’s powerful hand displayed His sovereign strength and might. Not only did the Israelites depart victorious, they stripped the Egyptians …

Guard Your Heart

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23).              When I was 23 years old, a physician discovered a defect in my heart. Besides taking daily medications, I have certain limitations: watch my intake of caffeine, reduce stress (Yeah, right), and limit physical activities. Although my condition is …

A Tale of Two Kings

“When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.” Matthew 2:3 NIV You’ve likely heard the phrase, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” In this case we can say, “If Herod ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” For Herod, Jesus’ birth was not cause for celebration. He was ‘deeply troubled.’ The …