

When faced with a crossroads, God urges us to pause and assess our situation. What is our destination? Are we in agreement concerning our family’s goals? Do we share the same objectives or are we headed in two different directions? Ask God to lead and guide in the way that is pleasing to Him. Keep Him in the heart of each decision you make, and He will guide you, opening doors and closing others. Keep your focus on Him and He will direct you along the path that is right for you.

Hope Restored

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (ESV) Sarah understood the ache of hope deferred. Her hopes of having a child died the moment menopause began (Genesis 18:11). There would be no baby to cradle, no diapers to change, no tiny feet running about the …

Who Am I

Like many individuals, I tend to think God’s plans are on me. But they’re not – they’re on Him. I don’t need to have all the answers ahead of time, I don’t need to know the route He’s taking me. I just need to be willing to be used by Him.
To Moses’ “Who am I?” God responds, “But I will be with you.”
And that, my friends, changes everything!

What Lies Beneath the Surface?

Guest Post by Author C. A. Simonson “He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light.”  (Job 12:22) The pond is peeling. Its floor looks like a pulled-back carpet, breaking apart in fragmented pieces of slime. It seemed lifeless all winter. No motion. Still. Silent. Undetected and hidden, the underwater carpet disguised …