For the two men walking along the road to Emmaus, what would appear to be their greatest loss turned out to be their greatest gain. Their hope was dashed by Jesus’ crucifixion. Yet, days later, their hope was rekindled through Christ’s resurrection. History’s greatest tragedy became history’s greatest triumph. Calvary turned what was intended to be satan’s victory into God’s victory. From pointless to purposeful, that’s God’s specialty.
Author Archives: Renee Srch
Easter Morning
In one instant, everything changed. Death was cheated. Evil was defeated. Jesus had conquered the grave. All their hopes were restored in the light of Easter morning. Sadness turned to joy. Because that’s what God does; He transforms tears into joy, brings light to the darkness, heals the brokenhearted, and restores hope to those who despair.
Easter’s Eve
We can’t fathom the depths of sorrow the disciples and Jesus’ loved ones experienced when Jesus died on that cross because, unlike us, they didn’t know the end of the story. They didn’t grasp how bright their future would become because all they could see and focus on was their loss. They didn’t grasp the gift of grace Christ had so painfully purchased for their salvation. They had no inkling of the joy and insight Easter morning would bring.
Good Friday
As believers in Christ, we cling to the hope of the resurrection. Death no longer has the final word. Christ does. Death is merely a marker for the end of our temporal life here below and the start of our eternal life in heaven. Death has lost its bitter sting because Christ’s sacrifice on the cross swallowed death and brought eternal victory. One day, we will be reunited with Christ and our loved ones. Therein lies the hope that carries us through those darkest moments.
I Choose Joy
Choosing joy doesn’t mean we don’t ever feel any negative emotions. Joy is an inner confidence we believers have because of God’s providence, authority, provision, faithfulness, and love for us.
Again! Let’s Go Again!
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Fully Known Yet Fully Loved
Jacob’s story gives me hope. Why would He choose me with all my faults and flaws? But that is not how grace works. Grace is undeserved favor. And that grace has spilled over me, rendering me lovable and worthy in His sight. My imperfections are covered by His blood.
Down But Not Defeated
You and I will face seasons when we get knocked down again and again. That’s life. What should give us concern is when we get knocked down and we stay down. Never give up the struggle. Never settle for down. God has already declared you a victor in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).
Winter is past
We might be tempted to hole up and hide when we suffer through a winter of the soul. Yet God reminds us that though dark times come and linger for a while, spring will eventually come around. Maybe not overnight but interspersed among those days reminiscent of winter’s reluctant surrender.
The Flung Tidbit
When I’ve had someone toss something at me, e.g. an insult, a questionable story, or hateful material, the best thing I can do is to question the source. Who’s telling me this? Why? What is their endgame? Are they a legitimate source? Is it useful or interesting?