
Zip your Lips!

Guest post by Lauri Lemke Thompson

“Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” James 3:5 (NIV).

I wonder what Nancy’s in trouble for? Who’s next to be laid off? How much does Bob make? My career in Human Resources meant I was often privy to confidential information.

At times I was tempted to reveal facts I should not reveal, and I would even let
things slip occasionally—something that could have gotten me dismissed.

“Why is this so hard for me?” I asked myself early on. Gradually, I realized Satan was playing on a vulnerability: insecurity rooted in my childhood. I believed the inner voice that said people would like me more if I shared this information with them—and how I wanted to be liked!

At times, I would physically walk away from a conversation and then move my
thumb and index finger across my closed lips. “My lips are zipped,” I would tell myself. My little trick worked, and I got my speech under control.

No matter what the occupation or situation, it seems to me that zipping one’s lips is often the only way to follow God’s instructions about our speech. James Chapter 3 has a pretty strong warning about the words we allow to roll off our tongues.

My application of His teaching on the tongue comes down to this: Only speak
what you think God will be pleased by. “Not one word” if the words are hurtful or critical in a mean or nonproductive way. No telling little white lies or blatant untruths, no exaggerations, and no snide comments, which often stem from jealousy.

Or how about plain old-fashioned gossip? God forbids all of the above. I am not always successful at this, but I want to err on the side of caution and, when in doubt, zip my lips.

Beth Moore wrote a study guide to James called “Mercy Triumphs,” in which she points out that at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit put tongues like flames of fire on the disciples’ heads. That was from Heaven. “You see,” she says, “the human tongue can be lit by either source: Heaven or hell…We do have a choice which fire lights our tongues. Just keep in mind that the natural default setting leans south.”

This is an area where most of us could use help, right?

Father God, help me to keep quiet when that is the best choice. It can be so difficult at times, but You are so wise about these things. You also know how much trouble and pain I have no doubt eliminated for myself (and others) when I’ve practiced this discipline. When I do speak, help me to use my voice to accomplish good.

“A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip.” – Billy Graham

A Wisconsin native, Lauri Lemke Thompson appreciates living with her husband in the lovely Ozark mountains in Branson, Missouri. She is active in Christian Women’s Connection (Stonecroft) and the Ozarks Chapter of the American Christian Writers. She published a book called Hitting Pause, a collection of her articles and devotions. Her bimonthly column appears in the Branson Globe newspaper.

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