
You Lead the People You Have Redeemed

With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed.

In your might, you guide them to your sacred home.

Exodus 15:13 (NLT)

            Let God lead – sounds great in theory, yet it can be so challenging when my hands are still clasping my own plans, dreams, and aspirations. I want so much to be master of my days, to control my destiny, to strive rather than abide. I cry, ‘Lord, Lord!’ while still clinging to my faulty ideals, my erroneous perceptions of success and fulfillment.

            Therein lies the rub; I can’t hold onto my Father’s hand unless I let go of what I’m still holding. To let God lead, I must surrender. I must release what I perceive as God’s plans for my life, trusting His plans for me are far greater. I must lay aside my expectations and embrace His ways. I must relinquish my assumptions about the future so I can cling to the One who holds the future.

            To release so I might receive—not just for today, but for all of eternity.

Thought: “The good father gives the child one responsibility: ‘Hold on to my hand’…. Your goal is not to know every detail of the future. Your goal is to hold the hand of the One who does and to never, ever let go.” – Max Lucado

For further reading:

  • Psalm 25:10
  • Psalm 32:8
  • Psalm 73:23-24
  • Isaiah 41:13

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