
Worship that Delights Him

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight. Proverbs 15:8 (KJV)

Eli, the high priest of Shiloh, had two sons, Hophni and Phineas, who served as priests in the Tabernacle. These men were corrupt and evil (1 Samuel 2 and 3). They used their position for personal gain, eating the meat of sacrificed animals while it was still boiling. Their attitude towards worship was casual and corrupt. Their outward service did not reflect their inward spirit so their worship was an abomination to the LORD.

Samuel, on the other hand, served the LORD with a clean heart and clean hands. When God called on him, Samuel responded, “Speak, LORD; your servant is listening.” God delights not in our outward offering but in our inward obedience. True worship is not the posture of the body; it’s the posture of the heart. Worship is the fruit of a soul bowed in gratitude for unmerited grace.

God finds delight in the worship of the upright. He is not impressed with our actions or deeds, even if they are supposedly in service to Him. What God values is the attitude within our hearts and minds. Our outward worship should be the reflection of our inner adoration.

When we bow before Him and worship with clean hearts and pure minds, our worship is like incense, a beautiful fragrance ascending into God’s presence. This is the kind of worship that delights Him.

Thought: “Worship is the ‘thank you’ that refuses to be silenced.” – Max Lucado

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