
Workers Overhead

“Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father.” Matthew 18:10 (NLT)

The other day, I saw a sign that read, “Caution. Workers Overhead.” While I couldn’t see the workers, I believed what the sign said and steered clear of that area.

Of course, I immediately thought of the heavenly realms where God and His host of angels are constantly working on our behalf. They are continually watching over us, helping us, and protecting us from dangers we can’t even see.

The Message Bible says, “Watch that you don’t treat a single one of these childlike believers arrogantly. You realize, don’t you, that their personal angels are constantly in touch with my Father in heaven?”

God has a soft spot for children, especially those who are despised, abused, or the innocent victims of crime. He has a tenderness for those individuals with a childlike mind. He loves them like a shepherd loves the newborn lambs, holding them close to His bosom. That is why it is so grievous to harm the innocent or treat them with arrogant condescension. The Bible speaks of children as a blessing, a gift from God.

No one is too small or too unimportant for God. Every person is created in His image, so handle every life with care and prayer.

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