
Winter is past

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,

the cooing of doves is heard in our land.

Song of Songs 2:11 (NLT)

Winter dragged its feet this year, reluctant to leave our neck of the woods. Just as the daffodils popped their heads out of the soil in search of the sun, a cold front blasted through, pelting the tender buds with hail and snow. Temperatures plummeted below freezing, a stark reminder that winter still held some sway over the Ozarks.

Winter isn’t just a season of the year. Sometimes a cold front comes knocking at the soul’s door just as the buds of hope begin to emerge. The skies that once appeared clear and bright suddenly turn dark and threatening. The warmth and joy that filled each day have dissipated, leaving only a deep chill and profound gloom. The heart that once beat strong has frosted over and feels like it could break.

We might be tempted to hole up and hide when we suffer through a winter of the soul. Yet God reminds us that though dark times come and linger for a while, spring will eventually come around. Maybe not overnight but interspersed among those days reminiscent of winter’s reluctant surrender.

Springtime brings hope and renewal. Amidst all the pomp and fanfare of spring lies the reminder that winter only lasts for a season. Eventually, the ice will melt, the sun will shine, and overcast skies will clear. Birds will begin to sing from the sycamore tree, doves will coo among the wild roses, and colorful blooms will cast away the gloom of winter.

Hold on, weary soul. Spring is coming.

Excerpt from A Year in God’s Classroom: Daily Devotional for Autism and Special Needs Families


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