
Who Is God to You?

“He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’” Matthew 16:15 (ESV)

“Who do you say I am?” Jesus asked the disciples. Their answers varied: John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Only Peter came up with the correct answer, and that was because God revealed it to him; “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

We have a tendency to view God as filtered through our own perspectives and life experiences. If I were to send out a survey with that same question, “Who is God to you?” opinions would be all over the board. Some might say he’s the creator. Others might see him as an indifferent ruler who sits on his throne, uncaring and unmoved by humanity. A few might say he’s a god with a small g, suggesting there’s more than one. Or perhaps he’s simply the figment of one’s imagination.

Even in ‘Christian’ circles, answers would be diverse. Some see God as a sovereign being who created the world but is too busy to care about their specific problem. Many might call him LORD yet fail to fully grasp His lovingkindness. Others might call him the Good Shepherd or Abba, Father, but overlook His sanctity and holiness.

 In his book Experiencing God Day by Day, Blackaby states, “At the beginning of Moses’ walk with the Lord, Moses had no idea all that he would need God to do for him. Yet each time Moses faced a need, He learned something new about God.”

God does the same with you and me. As we walk through life, God reveals particular aspects of His divine nature according to our current situation and needs. The more we learn about Him, the more He becomes undefinable. One name is not sufficient to encompass our understanding and knowledge of Him. Until we reach heaven when, at last, we will fully know Him.

So my question stands: Who is God to you?

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