
Who Am I

But Moses said to God, “Who am I….?” Exodus 3:11 (ESV)

Several years ago, my mother and I were talking about a novel I’d written, which had just gone to print. She said, “I can see you speaking someday to a roomful of people.”

I immediately dismissed the idea. “Not me. I may do well at writing, but I’m not a public speaker.”

It wouldn’t be until several years later that I realized my mother’s words were prophetic. Not only would I teach several writers’ workshops, but I found great joy and fulfillment in teaching. God had given me a gift I’d never explored because I hadn’t believed I had the skills or qualifications.

Moses had a similar struggle. In the face of God’s calling upon his life, Moses raised objection after objection. His first was, “Who am I?”

Moses’ problem lay in his faulty perceptions. God never told him he would deliver the Israelites from bondage. God said He would be their deliverer and Moses would be His instrument of deliverance. Big difference!

Like many individuals, I tend to think God’s plans are on me. But they’re not – they’re on Him. I don’t need to have all the answers ahead of time, I don’t need to know the route He’s taking me. I just need to be willing to be used by Him.

To Moses’ “Who am I?” God responds, “But I will be with you.”

Ultimately, it’s not about me. It’s all about God.

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