
When You’re at Your Lowest

Guest Post by C.A. Simonson

“He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.” (Psalm 23:2-3-NRSV)

Many seek the next high with its wins and successes. Of course, everyone likes mountaintop experiences, but eventually, all must face reality.

It’s easy to fall prey to insecurity and depression when you’re at your lowest. Downsizing my job slashed my self-confidence. Although my last evaluation glowed with accolades, suddenly, I became replaceable. At my lowest, it was an easy fall into insecurity and depression. All busyness halted, and I hit bottom hard. It forced me to look up and ask God for help.

My devotion and prayer time had become slack. I was not growing as a Christian. But, once I came back to real life down in the valley, I realized this downtime was necessary. God was not the priority like He should have been. The valley experience helped me gain a fresh perspective.

He nourished me from His Word and reminded me of my worth. I learned to trust His guidance and not to fear what lay ahead. It was there that God restored my soul.

Down in the valley is where the green grass grows. Roots grow deeper because the soil is richer. Rest and contentment are assured because you learn to trust and obey the Shepherd. God’s valley is a place of joy, fulfillment, comfort, and protection, even though imminent danger is near—“in the presence of my enemies.” (Psalm 23:5) God’s covering brings peace and contentment.

We need not fear the low times because “the Lord is my Shepherd” (Psalm 23:1). It’s there that God restores your soul.

PRAYER: Lord, some days I need to be reminded that You are near. Help me to seek Your guidance and trust in Your plan. AMEN.

(From God Help Me, an interactive devotional prayer journal by C.A. Simonson).

*A version of this devotion was also published in The Secret Place.

C.A. (Candy) Simonson is a freelance writer and novelist. She began writing nonfiction articles in the 1980s with almost 800 articles published in multiple national or online magazines. Her award-winning stories are in seven anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her debut young adult novel, Love’s Journey Home, published in 2013 was followed by seven Christian YA novels and five nonfiction books. As a former IT computer trainer/teacher, she enjoys assisting other authors with book formatting, self-publishing, cover design, and sharing her technical and writing knowledge with writers’ groups. She serves the Springfield Writers’ Guild Board as the 2024 President and SWG webmaster. 


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