
When the Righteous Pray

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer. 1 Peter 3:12 (NIV)

There are three types of listeners. The first type is a polite listener. They might ask how you’re doing but don’t really want to know. If you start to open up, their gaze wanders and you can immediately sense they were just asking out of politeness. The second type can best be described as boomerang listeners. As soon as you start to share, they bring every comment back to their own experiences. Finally, there are the authentic listeners. These are rare and precious individuals who are truly attentive to your words. They nod, keep their gaze fixed on you, and respond with verbal or non-verbal cues. They’re invested in the conversation and truly care.

How thankful I am that our heavenly Father is an authentic listener. Today’s passage reminds us that His ears are attentive to our prayers. He’s watching, He’s listening, He’s paying attention to our cries for help. He makes our problems His own.

Need a listening ear? Go to your Heavenly Father and pour out your heart to Him. He is watching and waiting for you to unload your cares and concerns upon Him. Not because you deserve it, but because He’s 100% invested in you and He truly cares.

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