
When Friends Disappoint

(Jesus) became anguished and distressed. He told them (Peter, James, and John),

“My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me…”

He returned to the disciples and found them asleep.

Matthew 26:37-40 (NLT)

Trustworthy friends are hard to find; people who are dependable, who keep their word, who keep secrets, who are principled and full of integrity, who show up and stay up with us, especially during those dark seasons of the soul.

If someone had asked them, Jesus’ disciples would probably have considered themselves trustworthy. After all, they’d left their families, their careers, and their homes to follow Jesus. They stood by His side when the pharisees challenged Him and served Him faithfully, even though they didn’t fully understand His words or His purpose. They promised to follow Him wherever He might go. Peter even vowed he would die rather than disown Him.

Yet in His darkest hour, Jesus’ friends failed Him. Instead of praying and keeping watch with Him, the disciples fell asleep. Twice, Jesus came to check on Peter, James, and John but they were too tired to keep vigil and pray. Later on, Peter would deny Him three times.

Placing our trust in people will inevitably lead to disappointment. Because people – even close friends and family members – are human. Promises are broken, expectations are crushed, and hopes are trampled on because we live in a broken, sinful world. I’m not saying we shouldn’t trust family or friends or ask for their help. But we ought to bear in mind that they have shortcomings, just like us.

God is truly the only One who is trustworthy. When the Bible states that God is trustworthy, it’s not simply referring to how He works, but who He is. He is truth. He is faithful. He never breaks a promise. He cannot lie because that would be contrary to His nature. We can count on God whatever the time, whatever the circumstances, whatever the need. Because He is trustworthy. He’s got our backs 24/7.

Thought: “Trust is choosing to lean on God – not partially, but wholly.”

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