
What’s Your Story?

 “How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14 (CEV)

You have a story that needs to be heard. It’s a story unlike any other. It’s unique to you. There may be parts you’d like to remove, chapters that are dark, passages that are confusing. Perhaps you hesitate to share your story for fear others will judge you. Or maybe it’s painful and you’re afraid bringing up the past will reopen those old wounds.

Truth is, you have a story worth telling. The story of how God sought you, forgave you, and lavished His grace upon you. The story of how God broke your chains and turned your life around.

In her book, It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way, Lysa Terkeurst states, “God’s message of hell-defeating hope is often most powerfully preached from the lips of those whose pain has been turned into the purpose of helping others.”

If God has redeemed you, speak out! Proclaim God’s redemptive power over your life. Speak of the moment you left your burden at the cross and walked free. Tell others how He drew you out of deep waters and set your feet on a rock. Share how He brought through the desert to a place of grace. Don’t bury your story. Pour it into a heart that is hurting.

It’s a story no one else can tell.

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