
Unanswered Prayer

Guest post by Author Cassie Downs

All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose  Romans 8:28 (CSB)

I was young and in love. My heart was set on Mark for what seemed like forever to a tween girl. I thought for sure this was my forever guy.

Fast forward a few years later. Mark and I had dated for a few years when he realized I wasn’t nearly as cool as his buddies who could drive. Mark was a couple of years older than me and could drive and date long before I could.

I still remember the sting of rejection when he told me it was over. I cried for what seemed like an eternity. I was broken and confused. He was the one, the one I prayed to keep forever! Why had God not answered my prayer?

I know this is a silly story now, but this was very real to me as a young girl. I was crushed and angry that God hadn’t answered my prayers. How could I ever love again?

Maybe you can relate? Maybe you’re all too familiar with unanswered prayers (I’m pretty sure there’s a country song about this). Perhaps your unanswered prayer is more serious than my crushed tween heart. Your unanswered prayer looks more like a lack of healing, restoration, forgiveness, or finances. You’re angry and want answers. You feel let down and rejected by God. Why isn’t God answering your prayer? Doesn’t scripture say that He’ll give us the desire of our hearts? Yes and no.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4 ESV).

I think this scripture requires a quick word lesson. Anag is actually the Hebrew word for delight in this passage. Anag means to be delicate, to be happy, and to take exquisite delight. In other words, when we are in close fellowship with the Lord, happy with who He is, despite what He does or doesn’t do for us, our heart’s desire will match His desire.

Stick with me for a second. Could it be that all the years I prayed to marry my childhood crush were a selfish desire? Understanding Psalm 37:4 causes me to think maybe so. Is it possible your unanswered prayer is not God’s desire? Or perhaps it isn’t a desire issue but a time issue.

I look back now and thank God that He hasn’t answered every prayer. The Lord knew what I needed. He knew Dustin, my husband, was the man that would fit my life entirely. Dustin was the one who would love and support my craziness and wild dreams. Dustin was the one who would lead me toward Jesus day after day. He was the one who would visit the ocean countless times because I love it even though he isn’t a fan. Dustin is the one. The one God had for me.

God has a plan for my life, and He knows all the things I don’t and would never consider. And I’m forever grateful for my unanswered prayer.

Unanswered prayers hurt. No doubt. And I understand that your unanswered prayer may carry more weight than my childhood romance.

And before you ask, I don’t have an explanation for why some people receive healing on earth while others receive theirs in heaven. I don’t understand why some people find restoration in their relationships while others are left broken. What I do know is that Satan is real, and his purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy God’s children. But Jesus came to give us life! And His life can even be found in our unanswered prayers. Don’t lose sight of God’s goodness in the pain of your unanswered prayer. Perhaps God sees something you can’t see. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith. Trust that He can create something good out of a bad situation.

Prayer: Lord, you are good despite my unanswered prayers. Thank you for the way you are changing despite what’s going on around me and to me. I lean into the truth of your goodness and how you desire to bring forth the good from broken situations. I may not understand why right now, but I trust that you are still faithful and still good. Help me align my desires with your desire for me and those I love. I trust you with every situation. Bring about good in my life. I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Cassie Downs loves Jesus and her family. She is the author of two books, Chasing Jesus and Unrivaled, both 60-day devotionals. Cassie is also the founder of Everyday Jesus Ministry, a homeschool mom, and a furniture flipper. She resides in Stockton, Mo., with her high school sweetheart and husband, Dustin, and their three teenagers.

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