
Guest post by author Linda Lowe Apple

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT 

I read a poem from Steven James’ book A Heart Exposed. The poem was about the Master Carpenter and his work in the most challenging experiences of life. One line froze me in the moment of my reading: ” In the hands of a master carpenter, no piece of wood is safe from becoming a masterpiece.”  


Life throws us cruel things. Life isn’t fair. But, if we are willing to submit to the Master Carpenter, He will make us a masterpiece. I think of my mother, who was raped at the age of twelve by a local twenty-one-year-old local man from a well-respected family. This resulted in pregnancy. Momma didn’t even know what caused a pregnancy. She was forced to marry this man and gave birth at the age of thirteen. She didn’t even complete her seventh-grade education. This man was a drunkard and viciously beat her. She gave birth to two more sons and miscarried twice. When she was nineteen, he knocked her front teeth out. That is when she had enough. She gathered up her boys and left him. However, the judge decided to award the children to him, given her young age and lack of education. She saw them a few times before he moved to Texas, taking them with him. Thankfully, two of the boys found Momma when they were adults. But that reunion is a story for another day.  

I write this because, even though life made my mom’s life look like a gnarled piece of driftwood, the Lord made her a masterpiece. In her early forties, she got her GED. She went on to nursing school and got her LPN degree. She worked as a nurse for twenty years, and because of her life experiences, she had deep empathy. She reflected God’s love and compassion to all in her care.  

God understood her tears and the many times she asked, “Why?” She finally understood that life is unfair, but she didn’t allow her past to be the theme or the end of her story. God held out His hand, and she took it. The process of making her a masterpiece then began. She learned to forgive. To shut the door on her past and reach to the future.  

Our Father holds His hand out to all of us. Will we take it?  

Linda Lowe Apple is an award-winning author. She has authored five children’s books. She is currently working on a ‘how-to’ book on inspirational/memoir pieces. You can find her books on Amazon. For more information, check out her author website at linda@lindaapple.com.

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