
Though . . .

Though the fig tree does not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines,

The produce of the olive fails and the fields yield no food,

Though the flocks be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls,

Yet will I rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.

God the Lord, is my strength . . .

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Have you ever experienced one of those days that starts out badly and from thereon, everything seems to go wrong? I had one of those days yesterday. To be honest, I’ve been experiencing several of those days lately. My day begins with a whirlwind of negative circumstances, and it just spirals downward from there. So does my mood—and my temper—and my tongue.

Last night, as I lay in bed recollecting all the day’s negatives, God brought this verse from Habakkuk to mind. Though . . .; circumstances will bend me. Though . . .; adverse elements will discourage me. Though . . .; destructive forces will work against me. Though . . .; discouragement will assail me. Though . . .; the devil will whisper lies and remind me where I’ve failed.

Yet . . .; therein lies the key. God has provided a way to end that downward spiral, to get off that slippery slope into discouragement: God is my strength. When I stop pondering all the negatives and turn my focus on Him, I am enabled to ‘take joy’ despite what the day doles out.

I am not a victim of circumstances. In Him, I am a victor despite my circumstances. My joy lies not in what the day contains but in the One who contains my days.

Thought: “Habakkuk… made a choice. His country was in turmoil, his God had no answers that made sense. When there was no explanation for things that he could wrap his mind around, the prophet said, “I do have one option: I can praise God.” –  Dr. David Jeremiah

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