
This Day

Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalm 143:8 (NLT)

This morning I lay in bed, listening to the whirring of the hummingbirds just outside my window. They’re already hard at it, sucking their sugary breakfast through their long beaks. The two bright-red feeders hanging from the balcony sway gently as the birds flit back and forth from the old oak in our front yard to the feeder and back.

I’m not quite ready to get up and face the day just yet. For just a little while longer, I want to breathe in God’s presence as I talk and commune with Him. Today’s to-do list is chock-full, so I need to draw from the fount of strength, wisdom, and joy. He created this day for me to use wisely and to enjoy so I want to make this day, and every day, count. The only way to truly do so is to surrender this day to God, to ask Him to guide my steps, guard my mouth, open my eyes to opportunities to help those who are hurting, and fill me with His Spirit.

Each day is a precious gift from God. But busyness without God is just like walking on a treadmill; it looks good but gets you nowhere. My primary goal should always be to glorify God. For this reason, I am compelled to begin the day in prayer, to keep the line of communication between me and God open all day long, shooting up short prayers for guidance and praise as I take on each new task and ask Him to bless the works of my hands.

Thought: “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” – Martin Luther

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