
The Unromantic Truth About Love

Guest Post by award-winning author Linda Lowe Apple

This is my commandment, that you love one other as I have loved you. John 15:12

I used to struggle with this scripture. After all, how was I supposed to love perfect strangers like the grumpy receptionist or the backstabbing co-worker? Let’s not forget the fellow who cut me off at the passing lane and made a rude gesture. Don’t even get me started on politicians. And yet, Jesus tells me to love them the way He loves them. The only feeling I had for them was contempt. Could it be my understanding of love was wrong?

Brennan Manning, pastor and multi-published author best known for his book, The Ragamuffin Gospel, states, “God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be because nobody is as they should be.” His statement gave me pause.

So, what is this love Jesus that spoke of?

The word used for love in John 15:12 is Agapaō, meaning a love that’s rooted in the mind and will. A love that values, esteems, accepts, and respects, whether the person, as Manning alluded to, deserves it or not.

Jesus loved all in this way, even those who rejected him. I Peter 2:23 tells us how when he was insulted, he didn’t retaliate. While abused, he didn’t threaten revenge. He died for those who loved and respected him and for those who didn’t.

Reading this, I felt like crying out as Paul did, “Wretched woman that I am.” How was this kind of love possible? It takes practice. Richard Paul Evans’ book, The Four Doors, suggests a doable practice that develops a love-centered map within ourselves by projecting love in our minds toward others. For instance, for that driver who cut in front of me, instead of projecting righteous indignation, I think, I hope you get to your destination safely and your day improves. Having this mindset expands a peaceful space of love. It isn’t always easy, but as Christ can attest, it is worth the cost.

Linda Apple is an award-winning author. She has authored four children’s books and has a new book due to be published next month. She is currently working on a ‘how-to’ book on inspirational/memoir pieces. You can find her books on Amazon. For more information, check out her author website at linda@lindaapple.com.

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