
“On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” Mark 4:35 (ESV)

The storm was unlike any other they’d encountered. Waves were breaking into the boat, filling it with water. At some point, in the midst of the bailing and frantic rowing, the disciples woke Jesus. He was asleep in the stern, his head on a cushion.

Now I don’t know about you all, but when I’m dealing with turbulent times sleep doesn’t come easy. Instead, I’m staring at the clock on my bedside table, watching the minutes crawl by. I may dose off for a bit, but as soon as I wake up, I go right back to bailing, worrying, fretting, and holding my breath as waves break over my defenses. Like the disciples, I cry out, ‘Teacher – Jesus – don’t you care?’ (verse 38).

Jesus did calm the storm – not gradually, but in one instant. One word from his mouth and the sea became smooth as glass. Scripture says, “And there was a great calm.” Then Jesus looked them in the eyes and said, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

My natural tendency is to look at the storm – what will I do? How am I going to fix this giant of a problem? Jesus, on the other hand, has his gaze set on ‘the other side.’ He knew their ultimate destination, the objective before them: not the bottom of the lake but ‘the other side.’

The next time a tempest arises, keep your gaze and mind fixed on ‘the other side.’ God’s purpose for your life is not the ocean floor but stronger faith and a victory so remarkable that when your storm draws its last breath, your heart cries out in reverence, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? He is the One who will see me safely to the other shore.”

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