
The God Who Hung the Stars

God hung the stars in the sky –

the Dipper, Orion, the Pleiades,

and the stars of the south.

Job 9:9 (GNT)

One of our family traditions is gifting ornaments to each of our sons. Every year, I search for tree decorations that epitomize their hobbies and interests or represent a specific event from that particular year. Once they eventually move to their own homes, they will have at least eighteen tree decorations.

            Needless to say, trimming the tree takes a while. When the boys were little, they hung ‘their’ ornaments in clusters. Although I was tempted to rearrange them in a more esthetically pleasing display, I curbed that impulse. After all, the Christmas tree was mainly for their enjoyment.

            When God created the heavenly lights, He didn’t toss them into space or hang them helter-skelter. Scripture tells us He created each star, hung it in the sky, and gave it a name (Psalm 147:3-5). Before the world began, our Mighty Creator took time and effort to create a masterpiece in the night skies. For His pleasure? Probably. For our delight? Definitely!

            Isn’t it amazing that the God who created the universe so precisely and meticulously cares even more about you and me? We are more precious to Him than any star that twinkles in the night sky. Not only does He know our name but he is intimately acquainted with every detail of our lives. He fashioned each one of us and pronounced it good. God never says, “Oops!” because everything He creates is perfect.

            The next time you step outside to look at the night sky, remember the depth of God’s love for you and how special you are in His sight. He came to this broken world and suffered for your sins. That’s how much the God who fashioned trillions of stars loves you. 

Thought: “The same God who made the stars knows your name, knows your story, knows your heart.” – Source Unknown

For further reading:

  • Psalm 147:3-5
  • 1 Corinthians 15:40-41
  • Psalm 8:3-5
  • Isaiah 40:26-29

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