
The Condition of My Heart

“But the ones (seeds) that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.” Luke 8:15

When Jesus told the parable of the sower, He was likening the heart to four types of ground and the seed sown to the word of God. Some seed fell along the path and the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on rocky ground where there was not enough soil so when the sun came out, they were scorched. Since they had no root, they withered away. Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain. The good soil represents the person who hears the word of God, applies it to his life, and bears fruit.

In his devotional, Experiencing God Day by Day, Blackaby states, “The condition of your heart will vary, depending on how you cultivate it. If it was receptive to a word from God yesterday, this does not guarantee it is receptive today. Daily prepare your heart for the word God has for you!”

This really got me thinking! Just because the soil of my heart was good yesterday doesn’t imply that it will remain receptive tomorrow. As a follower of Christ, it is vital that I remain vigilant, taking care to water and weed the soil of my heart lest it gradually toughens or weeds encroach.

Prayer: Lord, let my heart be good soil. Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! See if there is any grievous way in me and weed out those thoughts, actions, and behaviors that might hinder me from growing and producing fruit. In your name I pray, Amen.

Thought: Cultivating good soil is a daily task that requires attention and meticulous care.

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