
Just Stay Calm

The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm. Exodus 14:14 (NLT) They couldn’t move forward. They couldn’t go back. They were trapped. At least that’s what they believed.             Though they’d left Egypt victorious, the Israelites quickly assumed themselves defeated; with the Red Sea before them, Pharaoh and his army behind them, and …

Be Still

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 This past year has been very tough for our whole family. We’ve experienced one difficulty after another. This morning, as I lay in bed, reflecting on our current situation, I asked the Lord to open my eyes as to His purpose for these struggles. In …

A Broken Heart

Spiritual hope hangs on amid trials, resting in God’s promise that one day the purpose of all of our joys and struggles will be revealed and we will experience that ultimate “aha!” moment. God will take each tear, each ache, and each sorrow, and weave it into a masterpiece.

Waiting Lessons

God bids me ‘be still’ and wait patiently. And while I wait, He’s hard at work, shifting everything into its rightful place according to His perfect plan. Which requires me to be still, trusting He has heard my pleas and will act in His time and according to His will. My timing is not the same as His. But that’s okay because His plans are immeasurably better than anything I could ask or imagine. While I’m focusing on the here and now, He’s focusing on eternity.