
The Unromantic Truth About Love

Guest Post by award-winning author Linda Lowe Apple This is my commandment, that you love one other as I have loved you. John 15:12 I used to struggle with this scripture. After all, how was I supposed to love perfect strangers like the grumpy receptionist or the backstabbing co-worker? Let’s not forget the fellow who …

Love is Not Envious

Love… does not envy. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) Envy is not usually intentional. That disparaging predator creeps up on us when we least expect it. It whispers lies and blinds us to the truth. It draws our center of attention on what we lack so we don’t focus on the blessings God has so lovingly …

Don’t Fight These Arms

Mercifully, God’s grace is greater than our own rebellion. Patiently, He quells our stubborn, defiant nature and urges us to stop resisting. When we finally stop striving against Him and rest in His love then we realize His embrace is actually the safest place you and I could ever be.

When Love and Hate Colide

When Love and Hate Collide In this world, there are two voices; The voice of hate and the voice of love. I choose love, For love casts out fear. In this world, there are two mindsets; Incite violence or inspire peace. I choose peace, For peace is worth far more than gold. In this world, …