
Run With Endurance

Have you allowed discouragement to get you off track? Are you sitting in the dugout, nursing your pain, willing to sacrifice a potential homerun because you’re afraid to get back into the game? Don’t let the enemy distract you from what truly matters. Don’t allow him to shelve your dreams, your purpose, your single-mindedness in exchange for apathy or indifference. That would be his ultimate victory. Revive your passion. Pursue God’s calling upon your life. Stay in the race.

Living in the Present

Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise. Ecclesiastes 7:10 (NLT) Recently, I was looking through my mother’s photo album and came across these words my grandfather wrote beside the wedding photo of my mum and dad: “The worldling looks nostalgically on past experiences which can never be recaptured, seeking their repetition, …

Eagle’s Wings

I would love to soar like a hawk or an eagle, unfettered by the pull of this world. Yet I can’t soar if I’m clutching a load that is too heavy for me. Soaring can only happen when I leave that burdensome carcass at the foot of the cross. I have to be rid of in order to receive; new strength for the road ahead, the ability to rise above the world’s troubles, to run without growing weary, to walk with unflagging energy.