God daily loads us with blessings. Eternal life is offered through the Living Water and the Bread of Life that feeds and fills us for eternity. What benefits! David penned, “…my cup runs over…” (Psalm 23:5) Indeed, our tanks are full.
Tag Archives: Gratitude
The Importance of Gratitude
God keeps reinforcing the importance of gratitude—the exact opposite of complaining. He reveals himself to me, sometimes in the strangest ways, knowing complaining is not an easy habit to overcome.
Those Rotting Bones
Let’s face it; there are seeds of jealousy in all of us. The devil wants us to believe we’re entitled to this and that, and little by little, we start feeding into his falsehoods. If we cultivate those seeds, we set ourselves up to reap its bitter fruit.
Oh Happiness, where are you?
In Psalm 144, David begins with an attitude of gratitude for all God has done. David understood happiness. He understood that family, growth, work, and prosperity created happy people, but also recognized that the source of these gifts and special favor are from the Lord.
Don’t let the little things go unnoticed. Fill your mind with gratitude. As Robert Brault advised, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
We tend to get so caught up in our struggles that we forget to praise God for who He is and what He’s done. He’s saved us, adopted us, loved us, redeemed us. He provides for our needs, guides us, spares us over and over again from evil, and holds us in His loving arms. As if that weren’t enough, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. That’s a whole lot of good gifts!
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is an exercise of the heart and mind. It’s living with our eyes wide open to God’s many blessings. Every dawn is a gift from God, every breath, every heartbeat. But we’ve become so inured to God’s blessings that we take them for granted and shrug them off as our due. God doesn’t owe us anything, yet He has given us everything; salvation through Jesus Christ, redemption, forgiveness, mercy, grace. As if that were not enough, He pours out blessing upon blessing every day.