
Mighty God

Christmas is the visible manifestation of God’s unconditional love. The Creator comes to dwell among the created; Love Himself, willing to suffer rejection for the sake of our souls. Might confined to a manger. Creator curtailed to the form of a child. The paradox of grace as the Almighty indwells the womb He created and walks the earth He brought into being.

Immanuel – God with us

Immanuel – God’s answer to the lonely, the outcast, the shunned, the rejected, the ostracized. Immanuel – God’s promise that we will never be alone. Immanuel – God before us, behind us, beside us, within us – it doesn’t get any more personal than that.

Unconditional Love

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (NIV) “Mommy, do you still love me?”             His words sent me reeling. “Of course, I love you, sweetheart! Nothing and no one could ever change that.”             “Even when I have a meltdown at school and you have to come get me?”             I …


I am so thankful Christ’s acceptance is not conditional. His sacrificial love is based not on my merit but on His mercy. He does not consider my flaws and blemishes. He does not look at me with contempt despite the ugliness of my sins. On the contrary, He lavishes loving acceptance on me, imperfections and all.