Through Jesus, we have eternal life. When He died on the cross, He removed that perishable state for all those who confess Him as LORD and Savior.
Tag Archives: eternal life
Easter Morning
In one instant, everything changed. Death was cheated. Evil was defeated. Jesus had conquered the grave. All their hopes were restored in the light of Easter morning. Sadness turned to joy. Because that’s what God does; He transforms tears into joy, brings light to the darkness, heals the brokenhearted, and restores hope to those who despair.
Through Jesus, we have eternal life. When He died on the cross, He removed that perishable state for all those who confess Him as LORD and Savior. Through His death, whoever (that means you and me) believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Although mortal physically, our souls will ascend to live in His presence for eternity