The word ‘honor’ in this verse means respect, to hold in high estimation. To worship God with reverence and godly fear.
Tag Archives: devotions
Nothing Can Hinder the LORD
Tactically, Jonathan’s move wasn’t all that smart. Yet Jonathan stepped out in faith. He knew that with God on their side, headcounts were irrelevant.
In the Grip of Grace
No matter what you face today, remember you are in His grip and He will never ever let you go.
Leaves are on the tree to feed it. However, even though the leaves were torn from the tree, they could still fulfill their purpose, but in a different way by composting back into the soil.
The Power of Words
Matthew 12 tells us a tree is identified by its fruit. In the same way, what is in our hearts and minds determines what we say. If we fill them with rubbish, rubbish will come out of our mouths. But if we are filled with the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, our speech will more likely be pleasing to Him and those around us.
Rescuing Grace
Don’t let Saul’s life story be yours. The moment you find yourself rationalizing and making excuses for your behavior, run to God. Ask Him to search your heart and mind.
Sawdust Brownies
When we substitute God for idols, we lose. We lose our husbands, our friends, our homes, our worth, our faith. There is no substitute for Jesus in our life any more than there is a substitute for brownies. You can run as fast and as hard as you want from God’s presence, but you will be empty and bound.
For Good
We might never see that ‘for good’ on this side of eternity, but rest assured, He never wastes our pain. Someday, we will experience that ultimate “aha!” moment. All of our struggles, pain, sorrow, and tears will finally make sense.
Failure Is Not The End
I am so glad God doesn’t cast us aside and consider us useless when we mess up. In Christ, we can come back from even our biggest failures.
The Father Knows
In the same way, our heavenly Father hears us. He recognizes His children’s voice. He is attentive to our cries. You and I are not just another face in the crowd. We are His beloved.