Even today, He sets His throne among the common, the ordinary, the everyday places. He sets His throne among the humble, the nobodys, and the meek in spirit.
Tag Archives: devotions
Elizabeth’s song
Perhaps you feel as though God has ‘withheld’ His favor from you, that He’s forgotten the silent cries of your soul. Take heart, my friend. God never forgets His children.
Life throws us cruel things. Life isn’t fair. But, if we are willing to submit to the Master Carpenter, He will make us a masterpiece.
Looking in the Rearview
Looking in the rearview stopped Lot’s wife in her tracks and she could not move forward anymore. The past she wanted so much robbed her of the future God had planned for her.
Zechariah likely felt the same about his life– ordinary, run-of-the-mill, middling, mediocre – especially given that he and his wife were childless. Then all of that changed when Zechariah’s name was chosen to enter the sanctuary of the Lord. Life as he knew it would never be the same.
Friendship in Christ is a blessed gift. My church family offers encouragement to become more Christ-like by reminding me and others of who we are and who we can become.
Giving Thanks
By focusing on the blessings in our lives instead of the burdens, Thanksgiving can become a beautiful segue into Christmas. Once the turkey has been eaten, the football game is over, and the Macy’s parade has ended, I encourage you to carry thanks giving into the next season, instead of tucking it away with the leftovers. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate as we prepare for Christmas.
You and I could use friends like Jonathan’s armor-bearer. Friends who have our backs. Friends who will help us carry the load. Friends who are committed to helping us fight the enemy.
When the Load is Too Heavy
There will be times when we feel like our load is too heavy to bear. That’s precisely when we need strong Christian friends to come alongside us so we don’t have to walk the rough path alone. Friends who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who will intercede for us before the throne of God, regularly check in on us and offer to help.
Costly Choices
Wow! It never ceases to amaze me that, despite God’s dire warnings, the people of Israel insisted on having their own way. They rejected God’s rule – the one thing that made them unique and distinguished them from the other nations around them – to pursue their own strategy.