when I seek God’s kingdom above my own, His Spirit fills me with peace. Focusing on what pleases God frees me to thrive within the sphere of His calling upon my life.
Tag Archives: devotions
Single-mindedness versus Christ-mindedness
What Jesus offered the disciples was far more than freedom from their oppressors; He offered them His Spirit and power.
Removing planks helps us to see better—to truly see the whole person individually and not as one of the masses, be curious about their life, find connection points, and develop empathy. Then, like Christ, we depend on God to give us direction on how to help—not fix. Instead of building walls, we become bridges to a loving Father.
Are You The One?
how often I find myself completely off the mark when His ways don’t match my own. And in that chasm between the two is where the enemy plants seeds of doubt, knowing that failed expectations are fertile soil for disappointment and doubt.
A Woman With Issues
It wasn’t her pursuit of Jesus that made her whole. That fixed her issues. It was when she caught Him. When she grabbed hold of Him and experienced His power, His compassion, and His grace. That’s what changes us.
Worship in the Wasteland
For most of us, praise is not our default mode when life turns sour. The last thing that comes to mind is to sing a happy tune, let alone a song of heartfelt worship to the One who holds the power to change our reality. Yet that’s exactly what David did. He made the deliberate choice to dwell, not on his dilemma, but on his Deliver.
Peace at all Times
The peace God offers is the result of a life fully surrendered to God. It is rooted in the character of God and the knowledge that His plans are always far better than our own. He might not still the storm around us, but He will climb into the boat and sit beside us until the storm has passed.
Toil or Soil?
What if, instead of seeing my job as drudgery, I view it as an opportunity to be a light? Suddenly, it’s no longer just a job – it’s a mission field. My ‘workplace’ is not as much about toil as soil – the place where God planted me for a season and for a reason.
Be Not Discouraged
Discouragement is much like a leaky tub; hopes, aspirations, and optimism slowly spiral down the drain, leaving us cold and vulnerable. It’s a gradual process that often goes unnoticed until we’re left with only the dregs of our dreams.
At times, it seems difficult to understand and love those whom others consider unlovable, but God will give me the courage to do so. I know he will help me become more aware of what I can do for others instead of thinking about what I can’t do.