Peace on earth – this is what the angels promised that very first Christmas. Peace with God and peace within. Merry Christmas, my friends.
Tag Archives: advent
 Jesus cannot be confined to just one name. The more we learn about Him, the more He becomes undefinable. Even one hundred names cannot contain all that Christ is. Jesus – name above all names – our eternal hope and salvation.
Unto Us
Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. God surrenders heaven to find you, to find me, whoever we are, wherever we are.
Prince of Peace
Peace is not the absence of problems. Peace is a person, Jesus Christ Himself.
When Life Seems to be Falling Apart
Where was God in Joseph’s darkest hour? Right where He needed to be – in the midst of it – fulfilling His marvelous plan for man’s salvation. In Joseph’s darkest moments, God was nearer to him than ever before.
Everlasting Father
Jesus reflected the Father, revealing to humanity a God who loves deeply and personally. He is our Abba, our Daddy, the One we can run to anytime, anywhere.
Mighty God
Christmas is the visible manifestation of God’s unconditional love. The Creator comes to dwell among the created; Love Himself, willing to suffer rejection for the sake of our souls. Might confined to a manger. Creator curtailed to the form of a child. The paradox of grace as the Almighty indwells the womb He created and walks the earth He brought into being.
Wonderful Counselor
In Christ, we have a Wonderful Counselor. Not just a source of wisdom but Wisdom Himself. Not just someone who will listen and offer wisdom, but a God who came down from heaven to live among us, walk alongside us, carry our burdens, and stay with us through every struggle and hardship.
Immanuel – God with us
Immanuel – God’s answer to the lonely, the outcast, the shunned, the rejected, the ostracized. Immanuel – God’s promise that we will never be alone. Immanuel – God before us, behind us, beside us, within us – it doesn’t get any more personal than that.
A Genealogy of Grace
The common thread running through his family line is one of redemption. Finding worth in the worthless. Pouring grace upon the unworthy. Loving the less-than.