
Love is not Proud

Love is not proud because true love isn’t motivated by selfish ambition. I can love each of my sons for who they are as individuals rather than what they accomplish. I love, not because they make me look good or because they boost my self-esteem. I love because the love God has poured into my soul is the love I lavish on my sons; pure, unconditional. To love not because they are worthy but because they are God’s special blessing. To love them with all their assets and foibles because Calvary’s love set the benchmark.

Love is Not Envious

Love… does not envy. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) Envy is not usually intentional. That disparaging predator creeps up on us when we least expect it. It whispers lies and blinds us to the truth. It draws our center of attention on what we lack so we don’t focus on the blessings God has so lovingly …

Love is Not Envious

Love… does not envy. 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) Envy is not usually intentional. That disparaging predator creeps up on us when we least expect it. It whispers lies and blinds us to the truth. It draws our center of attention on what we lack so we don’t focus on the blessings God has so lovingly …