
Summer’s Last Hurrah

August – Summer’s last hurrah!

Nature’s rousing crescendo and glorious opus

Bidding us to join in heavenly birdsong,

To take a deep breath and unwind,

As we savor summer’s last tender moments.

All too soon decisions will press us

And schedules will constrain us.

Nature will take its final bow

Blazing with amber, scarlet, and gold,

In anticipation of its poignant farewell.

But for now –

We set aside the hustle and bustle,

The solving and the fixing,

And take the time to have fun

As we create lasting memories.

We delight in the preciousness of life

And draw fortitude knowing that,

Even though we are on the cusp of change,

We will dance to nature’s melody

Rather than sit this one out.

© Author Renée Vajko Srch, 2024

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