
Standing in Victory

“I have given you victory over them!”

Judges 7:9 (NLT)

Gideon was a reluctant leader. When God called him to lead the Israelites against the Midianites who had been persecuting them for seven years, Gideon replied, “Who? Me? No way, Lord.” Even though God promised strength, guidance, and His own presence, Gideon balked at the call. Even the moniker “Mighty hero” couldn’t sway him. He went so far as to refer to himself as “the least in my entire family, and my clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh.” Talk about low self-esteem!

God didn’t choose Gideon based on his influence, assets, or bravery. On the contrary, God chose the ‘least,’ the ‘weakest,’ to lead His people to victory. Take note of God’s incredible patience with Gideon. Twice, He responded ‘yes’ to Gideon’s request for a sign. Twice, He promised Gideon, “I will be with you.” Twice, He asserts, “I have given you victory over them!”

God is a patient and loving Father who meets us in our frailty. He knows our fears and speaks to them. He sees our doubts, understands our imperfections, and grants us the strength to meet each one of our shortcomings. We may see the impossible, but God sees the possible. We may look at our inability, but God looks at our potential. With Christ, we can be so much more than middling. In God’s strength, we can do far beyond what we thought possible. For we are standing in a place of victory. Our triumph is already assured. It’s a done deal. So step out in faith. God is ready to use you for His glory.

Prayer: Lord, remind me on those days when I doubt my worth that I am a child of the King. Bring to mind the strength that flows through my veins. When my faith is small, remind me that you’ve already claimed victory over my circumstances. Help me to step out in faith to your glory and for your name’s sake, Amen.

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