
Sleepless Nights

I lie awake thinking of you,

meditating on you through the night.

Psalm 63:6 (NLT)

Sleepless nights are familiar territory for parents, especially those fathers and mothers of children with special needs. Those long, lonely hours seem to drag on forever. At times, our children’s needs pull us out of bed. Other nights, we toss and turn with worry, losing those much-needed hours of sleep.

Sleeplessness was also familiar territory to David. Instead of a soft bed in the palace, he lay on the hard, desert ground. Yet his thoughts were not focused on what should have rightfully been his but on the goodness of God. As David reflected under the night sky, he came to realize that he was safer in the desert with God than in any palace without God. “Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely” (vs 7-8).

David compares his relationship with God to that of a mother bird who covers her chicks with her wings. She bears the brunt of the wind and the rain while they snug up under her wings. Should a predator come, they will have to contend with mama bird first. In the same way, David nestled up to his divine protector and provider. If anyone should sneak up on him and his men, they would have to contend with God first.

The next time worry robs you of sleep, don’t count sheep. Instead, meditate on God’s Word, recall his mercies and all He has done for you. Cast those anxious thoughts on Him, then rest on His promises. The God who showered lovingkindness and compassion on David is the same God who watches over you day and night.

Remember, you aren’t the only one who’s up. The God who never slumbers nor sleeps keeps vigil through the dark hours of the night. His loving care gives you the freedom to close your eyes and sleep.

After all, there’s really no need for both of you to stay up all night.

Thought: “Our thought patterns are crucial in the midst of our difficulties.” –  Dr. David Jeremiah

Excerpt from A Year in God’s Classroom: Daily Devotions for Autism and Special Needs Families


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