

Excerpt from my devotional, A Year in God’s Classroom; Daily Devotions for Autism and Special-Needs Families (soon to be released).

Ever since I came to Pharaoh as your spokesman, he has been even more

brutal to your people. And you have done nothing to rescue them!

Exodus 5:23 (NLT)

            Setbacks are the sudden hindrances that impede forward momentum. They are the negative interruptions that trip us up. They can be a source of bitterness, resentment, and anger towards God. “God, if you’d just….” “If only you hadn’t….., God.” Our indignation at God’s unexpected ways infers we know better than our heavenly Father. How-could-yous taint our thoughts. Why-would-yous affect our judgement. What-are-you-doings push us to question God’s goodness.

            When Moses met with Pharaoh, he went with certain expectations. He anticipated compliance instead of contempt, success instead of a showdown. Then, when things didn’t go the way he’d expected, Moses voiced his disappointment. “Why have you…?  Why did you….?” “You have done nothing….!” Moses felt God had let him down.

            Sometimes setbacks are the result of our sinful choices or lack of good judgement. But sometimes they are the canvas God uses to showcase His most jaw-dropping miracles. Not just to display His might and power, but to erase any doubt that He’s the One orchestrating events. Moses would soon have a front-row seat to one of the biggest demonstrations of God’s mighty power. – the parting of the Red Sea. He would be used by God Himself in ways he’d never dreamed possible. Best of all, he would witness first-hand the foreshadowing of God’s plan of redemption.

            God’s setbacks don’t imply a lack of concern. On the contrary, they often indicate that God is hard at work, reshaping our plans into the greatest purpose ever – His glory and salvation. Don’t lose hope; you might be on the brink of a miracle.

Thought: “Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” – Elisabeth Elliot

2 replies on “Setbacks”

  1. Whew! Great reminder that God uses barriers to work a better path. Reminds me of all the Road Work signs that interfere with my speed and plans. Afterwards I’m grateful potholes are fixed and the added lanes so worth the previous inconvenience. Thanks Renee for these encouraging words!

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