Safe in JeÂhoÂvah’s keepÂing,
Led by His gloÂriÂous arm,
God is HimÂself my reÂfuge,
A preÂsent help from harm.
Fears may at times disÂtress me,
Griefs may my soul anÂnoy;
God is my strength and porÂtion,
God my exÂceedÂing joy.
Safe in JeÂhoÂvah’s keepÂing,
Led by His gloÂriÂous arm,
God is HimÂself my reÂfuge,
A preÂsent help from harm.
Safe in JeÂhoÂvah’s keepÂing,
Safe in tempÂtaÂtion’s hour,
Safe in the midst of perÂils,
Kept by alÂmighÂty powÂer.
Safe when the temÂpest ragÂes,
Safe though the night be long;
E’en when my sky is darkÂest
God is my strength and song.
Sure is JeÂhoÂvah’s proÂmise,
Naught can my hope asÂsail;
Here is my soul’s sure anÂchor,
Entered withÂin the veil.
Blest in His love eterÂnal,
What can I want beÂside!
Safe through the blood that cleansÂeth,
Safe in the Christ that died.
Words by Robert Anderson, Music by Daniel B. Towner
Public Domain