
Safe in Jehovah’s Keeping

Safe in Je­ho­vah’s keep­ing,
Led by His glo­ri­ous arm,
God is Him­self my re­fuge,
A pre­sent help from harm.
Fears may at times dis­tress me,
Griefs may my soul an­noy;
God is my strength and por­tion,
God my ex­ceed­ing joy.


Safe in Je­ho­vah’s keep­ing,
Led by His glo­ri­ous arm,
God is Him­self my re­fuge,
A pre­sent help from harm.

Safe in Je­ho­vah’s keep­ing,
Safe in temp­ta­tion’s hour,
Safe in the midst of per­ils,
Kept by al­migh­ty pow­er.
Safe when the tem­pest rag­es,
Safe though the night be long;
E’en when my sky is dark­est
God is my strength and song.


Sure is Je­ho­vah’s pro­mise,
Naught can my hope as­sail;
Here is my soul’s sure an­chor,
Entered with­in the veil.
Blest in His love eter­nal,
What can I want be­side!
Safe through the blood that cleans­eth,
Safe in the Christ that died.

Words by Robert Anderson, Music by Daniel B. Towner

Public Domain

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