
Remember your Promise to Me

Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope

Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles

Psalm 119:49-50 (NLT)

“But Mom, you promised!”

            His face looks so sad, I can’t help but feel like a bad parent. “I’m sorry son, but I completely forgot. Maybe we can go to the beach tomorrow, instead?” I say, trying to sound enthusiastic.

            But all my son hears is the word “forgot.” He doesn’t understand why Mom doesn’t have as good a memory as him. After all, our youngest boy has the memory of an elephant. He remembers dates, events, and even the weather associated with each of those days. Just yesterday, he reminded me who got what for Christmas in 2012! He remembers more in one week than I will ever remember in a lifetime.

            I’m so glad God offers us so much more than empty promises. What He says, He will do. Never once has God failed to keep His word. When He says He is with us, then we can rest assured He hasn’t left us to wander through the valley alone. When He promises to give rest to the weary, He doesn’t add to our burden. When He assures us that He will provide a way, stand aside and watch Him open doors you never even knew were there.

            God’s promises should affect the way we live; they are the difference between fear and peace, between worry and calm assurance, between despair and hope. Just look around and you will see His reminders. He is a God who keeps His word; it’s in the promise arcing the sky, in the answers to prayers you never even dared to utter, in the peace that fills your heart at the most unexpected moments. It’s in every moment of every day, as He directs your steps along the path He has chosen for you. Unlike me, God never forgets His promises. They are as dependable as the dawning of each new day.

Thought: “True faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God’s fidelity to His Promises.” – Francis Chan

For further reading:

  • Numbers 23:19
  • Joshua 21:45
  • 2 Corinthians 1:20
  • Hebrews 10:23

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