

“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” Luke 1:45

Promises; they’re a dime a dozen these days. Politicians dole them out like candy. Commercials thrive on them, promising everything from better health to inner fulfillment and happiness. Bosses sometimes use them as ‘incentive.’

God’s promises, on the other hand, are true and trustworthy. Yet there’s a difference between believing God’s promises and resting on His promises.

Our minds lean towards the falsehood that blessing comes as a result of the fulfillment of God’s promises. Truth is, blessing comes the instant we claim God’s promises and stake our future on what He has said.

When we fully grasp the significance of God’s promises, it changes the way we act and react. It alters our belief system and engenders trust. Because we come to understand that the blessing is not simply in the calming of the storm, but in the peace that fills our hearts in the midst of the storm, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that He is with us and He will get us to the other side (Mark 4:35-40).

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