“Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord!” Psalm 113:1 (ESV)
Praise the Lord – three words that hold the power to revolutionize our lives. They can transform the course of our day, alter the way we think and act, and change our whole perspective on life. When we praise the Lord our gaze is torn away from ourselves, our circumstances, our burdens, lifting our focus from the here and now to the One who holds our future, our days, our moments.
Praise the Lord – not a suggestion but a commandment. God knows the power of praise, understands our limited minds and the transformative power praise can have over our thoughts, our fears, and our angst.
Praise is the release valve that allows the pressures of life to evaporate. We cannot praise and worry at the same time. When we praise God with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our being, our priorities are realigned. We step away from the cares of this world and step into the throne room of grace.
Praise is our weapon of warfare and deliverance. It holds the powers to send foes fleeing. As our prayers ascend to the throne of God, the forces of heaven begin moving mountains and parting seas.
Our praise, our words hold incredible power – resurrection power. So come on, praise the Lord!
Prayer: We praise you Lord, not just for what you’ve done but for who you are. You are worthy, at all times, of our praise. So today, regardless what I’m feeling, regardless of my circumstances, I choose to praise you.
Thought: Praise is rooted not in circumstances of the moment but in the nature and trustworthiness of God. – Blackaby.