

Guest Post by Jan Kent

“Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and  compassionate and righteous.” Psalm 112:4

I love seeing the red and green of the poinsettia at Christmas time!  This native flower to Mexico is referred to as, “Flower of the Good Night.”  The reason for this term is the way the poinsettia becomes so colorful.  It is only after twelve to fifteen hours of darkness a day for a period of three months that the leaves (or bracts) become a vibrant red.

Today’s verse is a wonderful reassurance that the darkness the believer experiences will not be indefinite.  Those who belong to the Lord are upright because of Christ’s righteousness.  And we are assured that eventually there will be a dawn.  Often in Scripture darkness represents calamity and light represents well being.  No one is exempt from dark times.  Regardless of education, wealth, health or status, we all face some kind of crisis or suffering.  But for the believer, there is a dawn coming!  For the one made righteous through Christ, there is hope.

What is amazing to me is that even in the darkness, there is blessing.  The Lord is actively at work in that darkness.  He is using all the negative in my life to test and refine my faith.  Every hurt and disappointment, He uses to grow me more like Him.  He does not waste any pain or difficulty but He utilizes it all to change me.  What a comfort to know He is in control!  When I finally exit that time of darkness, I am different.  Because of His work and grace I can emerge more colorful.  Perseverance, endurance and stronger faith are the colors He produces through that dark time.

Thank you Lord, that you know what You are doing and I can trust You.

Meet Jan Kent, a missionary in France for the last 30 years, alongside her husband, Randy. Jan grew up in a Christian family and is a Biola graduate. After marrying Randy, God called them to France as church planters.

Jan has created women’s ministries in 3 French churches and is an international conference and retreat speaker.  In addition, her devotional blog (DevotionsByJan.com) is read worldwide. She recently published a book, Picture the Scripture, available on Amazon (https://a.co/d/hGmFRdl). Her passion is God’s Word and communicating it through writing, teaching, music and even ventriloquism!

Jan is a mother of three and a Nana to four adorable grandchildren!

You can contact Jan at:


FaceBook Page: Jan Kent Speaker Writer

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