
Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)

There’s a hot, new toy on the market that claims to be therapeutic for individuals with anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and autism. The fidget spinner is constructed of a central bearing that remains stationary as the other three bearings spin around. While its effectiveness is still open for debate, many people find it entertaining and even useful for stress relief.

In the book of Isaiah, the prophet provides us with the secret to perfect peace; a mind that remains stationary – fixed on the Lord – in the midst of a world that seems to be spinning out of control. Peace is the fruit of a mind whose focus is on Christ rather than ever-changing circumstances. He is our peace, the one constant at the center of a mercurial world.

When we are preoccupied with our problems, difficulties, challenges, and tomorrows, anxious thoughts seep in and gradually influence our perspective. The only way to guard against worry is to discipline our minds by focusing on our central bearing – or center – God Himself, the One who holds all our tomorrows.

Keep your eyes and mind fixed on Jesus. He is the only one who is steadfast and the only one who can truly fill your heart with His perfect peace.

Thought: “Faith follows the One believed while feeling turns on how one feels. God does not change: He is the same God on either the cloudy day or the sunny day. Hence he who lives by faith is as unchanging as is God; he expresses the same kind of life through darkness or through light. But one who dwells by feeling must pursue an up and down existence because his feeling is ever-changing.” – Watchman Nee

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