
Pebbles in My Soul

Guest post by Author Linda Lowe Apple

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more …” Isaiah 43:25

Have you ever gone on a walk and somehow picked up a pebble in your shoe? I have. But instead of stopping to untie my laces and shake it out, I wiggle your foot to move it to the side. Still, somehow, it makes its way back underneath. Each step grows more painful. Finally, I stop, take off my shoe and shake it out. 

The Lord told me one morning how that scenario is a picture of forgiveness. The pebble is the offense, the walk is life, and the shaking out is forgiveness.  

Years ago, a person offended me as well as a close friend of mine. After some time had passed, I was ready to let it go, but my friend wasn’t. I felt an obligation to hold onto the offense. But that pebble in my soul hurt me, not the offender. I’d shove the pebble out of the way, but still, it worked its way back. I finally had to contact the offender and re-establish our relationship. In that conversation, the person related to me what was going on at the time of the offense. This insight helped me to understand. Now, the pebble is gone, and peace has returned. 

I forgave for my own sake. This doesn’t excuse the offense, but judgment is up to the Lord. I understand that this offense was only a pebble. Many have huge boulders to overcome. However, be assured that our loving Father will guide on how to remove those too, with time. 

Linda Lowe Apple is an award-winning author. She has authored five children’s books. She is currently working on a ‘how-to’ book on inspirational/memoir pieces. You can find her books on Amazon. For more information, check out her author website at linda@lindaapple.com.

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