
Peace at all Times

May the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NLT)

Last night, a storm blew through. I woke sometime during the night to the sounds of thunder clapping, strong winds gusting, and rain pelting the roof. The storm that had been lingering on the outskirts of our county was upon us with such force that I wondered if a tornado could be headed our way.

After checking the weather radio, I looked in on the boys. I found one of our sons sound asleep, noise-canceling headphones covering his ears. He was completely oblivious to the raging storm. He’d heard the weatherman’s predictions and prepared accordingly. Smart.

Unfortunately, we can’t always escape the raging storms in our lives – at home, at work, in our nation, and across the globe. Peace is a rare asset these days. Yet God assures us we can find peace whatever our circumstances. It is available at all times, 24/7, in every situation. I’m not talking about an absence of conflict but the peace that is found in the firm conviction that our reality and God’s sovereign will are conjoined. It is the assurance that God’s plans are ultimately for our good – whether or not they mesh with our finite concept of ‘good.’

The peace God offers results from a life fully surrendered to Him. It is rooted in His character and the knowledge that His plans are always far better than our own. He might not still the storm around us, but He will climb into the boat and sit beside us until the storm has passed.

This morning, I asked my son if he had slept through the storm. His reply: “Storm? What storm?”

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