

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 (ESV)

My mother grew up in England where the smog, also known as peasouper for its dense, yellow appearance, rendered visibility nearly nil. She told me about a time when she was riding the bus home from work. The smog was so thick, the bus was brought to a standstill. The conductor had to walk alongside the curb, guiding the bus with his torch (flashlight).

Likewise, the word of God guides the path God has set before us. It provides wisdom in the pea soup of our current cultural views. It offers guidance when we can see a way forward. It supplies hope and encouragement in our darkest nights.

God did not leave us to stumble around on our own. He provided a lamp—His word—to light our path. But a lamp is only as useful as the one using it. Don’t stuff it in a drawer and pull it out only when life grows dark. Study His word, memorize it, and apply it to your everyday life so that when dark times descend, you will neither stumble nor be overcome.

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