
Parables and Social Stories

Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables;

he did not say anything to them without using a parable.

Matthew 13:34 (NIV)

Social stories are one of the tools teachers and therapists use with individuals on the autism spectrum. “Social stories are individualized short stories that depict a social situation that your child affected by autism may encounter. These social stories are used to teach communal skills through the use of precise and sequential information about everyday events that your child may find difficult or confusing, thus preventing further anxiety on the part of your child.”

            Jesus understood the importance of stories. Throughout His ministry, He explained complex truths through simple, practical parables. He spoke in a manner that enlightened those who wished to understand His teachings, yet confused those who sought to entrap Him.

            I am so thankful God doesn’t expect us to understand every doctrine in order to be saved or most of us would be in trouble. He doesn’t say, “Hey, if you don’t understand all the particulars of ecclesiology, Christology, soteriology, and eschatology, then you can’t enter into heaven.”

On the contrary, Jesus came down to our level and explained salvation in such a way that our limited minds could comprehend His message of grace. He doesn’t wish to stump us; He wishes to save us. Now that’s a story worth telling others about!

Thought: “To my great regret, most Christians tend to think of the parables as tame little stories that Jesus told… The opposite is true: they are powerful, convicting Gospel messages.” – Dr. Albert Mohler

For further reading:

  • Mark 4:33-34
  • Matthew 13:10-13
  • John 16:25
  • Matthew 22:1

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